How To… Complete Your Profile With Ease

So you’ve joined Senior Dating Agency and you’re being prompted to fill out those all important details and ‘sell’ yourself in that little box. You’re not sure where to begin and it can be very tempting to leave that bit until later. However, you’re online to meet new people so you need to be pro-active and make sure your profile is working for you.

Here at The Senior Dating Agency we see member profiles day in day out, and over the years we’ve developed a good eye for what works and what doesn’t. That’s why we want to share our knowledge with you to make sure that your profile can be the very best it can be. You can thank us later.

Not too long- The ideal length for your personal profile is between 5-6 lines. A small paragraph is sufficient to give others a little snap shot into your life and you as a person. The key is to write just enough information to generate intrigue and encourage people to want to message you. Anything else can be shared over private message with those people who you find you have a connection with.

What’s different about you- So you like walks in the park, socialising with friends, a glass of wine or two – don’t we all? Try to be more specific about your interests. Are you a member of any clubs or have any specific hobbies, is there a special place that you like to holiday each year, or do the grandkids keep you busy enough? This is your space to talk about you and what makes you different from the thousands of other people on the site.

Be Positive- Being positive through your words is the equivalent of smiling at a stranger in the street. Not only is it infectious but it also makes you more approachable and helps people warm to you. So ditch any negativity about past relationships, being lonely, or online dating being a final resort. We are naturally drawn to positive people, so stay upbeat and embrace your time online.

Show your funny side– Just as we are naturally drawn to positive people, we are also naturally attracted to people with a sense of humour. We’re not talking about knock knock jokes (although that can break the ice) but instead, inject a bit of humour into the way you write about yourself, for example, ‘Are you the type of person who enjoys eating out? Good, because I’m a terrible cook’. Remember, you’re not writing a CV you’re trying to find someone with whom you can enjoy life, so don’t take yourself too seriously!

Read it back-Finally, read your profile back and ask yourself ‘if I was reading this on someone else’s profile, would I want to contact them?’ If the answer is yes, then congratulations, you’ve written yourself a successful profile!

So get your creative thinking caps on, and start making your profile work for you. Remember, online all you have are your words, so why not make each one count.


The Senior Dating Group


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