Tag Archives: Senior Dating UK

Dating Dilemmas: I’m worried about using my real name

Hi Senior Dating Agency,

I always use a pseudo name when I’m online because I’m worried about putting myself out there for everyone to see. Once I get talking to someone properly and I feel a little more comfortable with them I tell them my real name however, on a couple of occasions the person I’ve been communicating with has been put out and questioned my motives. Is it strange behaviour on my part?


Jill (my real name)

Hi Jill,

Firstly thank you for submitting your question as this is a common concern when it comes to online dating.  Many people get wary about putting their personal details such as name, age and location on the internet but rest assured because you really have nothing to worry about. These details are the basics that are required from every member on the site and are only used so that you can be found by other members using the search facility. For example, if you were to lie about your age or the region you live in thinking you’re protecting yourself, you could actually be preventing your perfect match from contacting you or risk being contacted by someone who isn’t a match.

Basic details like your name, age and region that you live in can’t actually be used by another person for any reason. Think about it – how many other 54 year olds named Jill probably live in Oxford? We also encourage you to tell us your postcode so that we can provide you will accurate results and help better match you with singles in your area. Find out more about the importance of postcodes.

We always advise members against posting their full address, phone number or email address in their personal profiles and in fact, it is actually against our terms of use to do so. This is because these details are slightly more personal and should only ever be given out to someone you have trust. For this reason we encourage members to give out these kinds of details, should they wish to, over private message but again, we would only advise this once you have built up a rapport with someone.

Lastly, I know online dating can sometimes feel a little daunting to begin with but try to relax in the knowledge that everyone on the site is on there for a genuine reason just like yourself. You’re here to make real connections so stop hiding behind your pseudo name and start telling the truth about yourself. You never know who might fall in love with you. However, if you still have your doubts or want to talk about anything regarding your personal details you can always ring our friendly customer care line on 0800 987 5555.

Hope that helps,

The Senior Dating Agency